We are Forever Bulbs

We make the
gladiolus bloom

Let’s be honest – aren’t gladioli just the most beautiful flowers in the world? As a chain supplier of gladiolus bulbs, our greatest wish is to spread our love for gladioli all over the world. Together with you!

At Forever Bulbs, we are a market leader in gladioli. And we’re proud of it! We owe that to our breeding, but also to our growers, our team, and most definitely to our customers. Because whatever we do, the market and our customers are always our starting point. That’s why we stay close to our customers, monitor market needs, and test our bulbs under local circumstances. The wealth of knowledge and experience we bring to the table enables us to develop and deliver not only the best-performing varieties but also the best service.

Our certificates
Global GAP GRASP certificateGlobal GAP certificate

The nursery of gladioli
Forever Bulbs is literally the breeding ground of gladioli. We analyze what the market needs and talk to our customers to hear about their specific requirements, so we can hatch the perfect plan together. We do local trials to monitor how our varieties perform under different circumstances. And we innovate continuously. This valuable knowledge allows us to develop state-of-the-art varieties with a distinctive look that sets them apart in the market, while the grower benefits from robust and efficient growing characteristics. And that’s just the start. Because the bulbs we grow from our varieties have to be of perfect quality. Our experienced group of growers and our cultivation and quality team are on top of this every day. This is how we provide a solid ground for success and growth for our customers. And we are incredibly proud of that!

Jaap Houwer
Sales Manager

It’s so exciting to work for a company that occupies such a prime position in the gladiolus market. Of course, it takes work to make that happen! My role mainly involves knowing what’s happening in the market and what our customers need. That’s why I’m in touch with them on a daily basis to match their needs to our unique assortment of gladioli.

Frank Wagenaar
General Manager

We’re a one-stop shop for gladioli with a very extensive assortment. Customers can turn to us for gladioli of all types and in all colors. That’s definitely something to be proud of. But what I am especially proud of is the people we get to work with every day. They make us unique. It’s our specialists and strong partnerships that helped us become the global market leader in gladioli.

Sasha Roninson

Knowing our market is really the foundation of our breeding program. With this knowledge in mind, we plan the right cross-combinations and test our top selections in various locations and under various growing conditions. If all the ingredients are right, we'll start producing on a large scale.

Rence Slootman
The Netherlands

Forever knows about all the important aspects of gladiolus cultivation. Breeding, advice, export. For me as a grower, it’s particularly interesting to feel so close to the breeding process. It means you can change and adapt quickly.

Jan Beemsterboer
Quality Manager

I assess all our bulbs for purity and quality. That involves more than just taking samples. It’s about every individual process the bulbs go through. Harvesting, rinsing, drying: it all has to harmonize perfectly before we can guarantee the best possible quality. Another important part of my job is visiting our growers and customers to see how our varieties are performing. That kind of real-time feedback is extremely valuable for us because it allows us to keep improving.

Let’s all bloom
The gladiolus is a symbol of power, victory, and pride. Is it any wonder that those characteristics describe our company, our people, and our partners perfectly? Our drive and passion are noticeable in every single link in the chain. We’re committed to giving gladioli the attention they deserve. And we’d love to do that together with you!

That’s always been our main focus: growing together with our customers and partners. Because if you grow, we grow – and vice versa. That’s why we’re so proud of the people we get to work with. Our co-workers, our growers, and our partners.

Our growers in The Netherlands

  • A.P. Groot Bloembollen B.V. from Hem
  • Balk Bloembollen B.V. from Ens
  • De Geus Troost B.V. from Sint Maarten
  • Dirkmaat Creil B.V. from Creil
  • Maatschap Heemels-Baaten from Koningsbosch
  • P.H. Hilkens from Echt
  • Koomen Bloembollen from Ens
  • Laarakker Reusel B.V. from Reusel
  • W and J Schutte from Nagele
  • Mts Slootman Claassen from Espel
  • Snoek Bloembollen from Balkbrug
  • Mts. Staats from 2e Exloërmond
  • Veninga Hijken Bloembollen B.V. from Hijken

Glad to help you grow!

Are you ready to grow with us?

Contact us

Meet our gladiators

Menno Dekker Allround
Alina Urbanowicz-Dekker Flower Bulb Cultivation Worker
Sam Korver Cultivation & Maintenance
Paul Broersen QHSE Coordinator
Linda Tearr-Groot Marketing & Communications
Peter Groot Flower Bulb Cultivation Manager
Harm Duineveld Cultivation Manager
Melanie Wagenaar Finance
Arie Quint Processing & Administration
Sandra Pinkster Back Office
Jaap Houwer Sales Manager
Sasha Roninson Breeder
Lukazs Wankowicz Allround
Johan Roelandt Sales Manager
Zusanna Kaminska Breeder
Frank Wagenaar General Manager
Marijke Paarlberg Allround
Jan Beemsterboer Quality Manager
Ton Groot Maintenance