The gladiolus: a colorful, proud summer bloomer

Published on 25-07-2024

From an inconspicuous green sprig to the focal point of any bouquet or garden once it starts to bloom. That’s the fascinating metamorphosis of the gladiolus. And remember, the color of the buds certainly isn’t always an indication of the flower’s color (or colors!). That means you’ll have to wait and see what happens when the blooms open… Surprise!

The symbolism of the gladiolus

Gladioli have a unique look thanks to their long stems and double rows of florets. Powerful symbols of summer, they radiate pride and glamour in a vase as well as in your garden. The gladiolus is a colorful, proud summer bloomer that will instantly give you that summer vibe in your home or garden. And did you know the symbolism around the gladiolus dates back centuries?

  • Gladioli originate in South Africa, where they were eaten and used as a medicinal plant. Modern-day gladioli are no longer edible.
  • Heroic connotations. The name comes from Latin gladius, meaning sword. Looking at the flower, you can see why! The gladiolus is a symbol of strength, victory, and pride. That symbolism goes all the way back to Roman times, when gladiators would fight to the death in the arena – death, or gladioli! Because the gladiator that won would get celebratory gladioli thrown at him until he was covered in them.

  • In the Netherlands, the tradition of throwing gladioli at victorious athletes continued into the 20thcentury. It’s this practice that gave rise to the Dutch expression “it’s death or the gladioli,” meaning “it’s all or nothing”; “it’s life or death.” In other words: an endeavor is either going to be the ultimate victory, with flowers everywhere to celebrate the win, or it will be a complete failure and you will be left empty-handed.

  • Love flower. The gladiolus has historically been called the “flower of love” as a symbol of love at first sight. With its pointed shape, the flower would pierce a lover’s heart like one of Cupid’s arrows. How romantic is that?



A hero among flowers

Thanks to its sturdy stem and the fact that it’s grown outdoors, the gladiolus is a robust, weather-resistant seasonal flower that can take a little bit of a beating. That’s completely in line with its heroic connotations of strength, victory and pride. It’s a real hero!

Either as a single flower or as a mono bouquet, the gladiolus radiates strength and beauty. It also gives a boost to multi-flower bouquets with its explosion of color and double row of florets. Taller than other flowers, gladioli stick out proudly and cheekily. That makes them a valuable addition to any summer bouquet because they let you play with different heights!

Gladioli harmonize beautifully in a wildflower bouquet with other summer bloomers, like Delphinium, Hydrangea, Agapanthus, and Dahlia.

More combinations

Isn’t it so special that the symbolism of the gladiolus is so closely interwoven with its gorgeous looks? You can be sure to make an impression with a vase of large-flowered gladioli on your dresser or kitchen table.

Do you want more tips, tricks, and trivia about gladioli in your garden? Then be sure to have a look at our blog posts ‘Enjoying your gladioli for as long as possible: 3 tips’ and ‘Gladioli in your garden:4 top tips’!

And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be inspired by the versatility of gladioli!